Thursday, June 7, 2012


While reading other's blogs, I always notice how they have fun little captions on their pictures. When asking my more computer-literate husband about this, I was told you can use Photoshop.

While browsing a favorite blog of mine, I came across a post about iPiccy. This website is great for doing some fun photo edits! Including adding text to the pictures like I did below!

I can spend way too much time on this site editing my pictures! It is free and you don't have to register to use it! Check it out at

Pre-Washing Trick

The one thing I dread when buying new fabric is having to pre-wash it. 

How many of you end up with messes like this?  

I have tried many tricks in the book, including using pinking shears to cut all the raw edges. I don't have a serger, so I tried using a tight zigzag stitch along the edges and decided it was too time consuming.

One night as I was laying in bed thinking of the million things I have to do, I thought about how to save some time when prewashing. And here is what I came up with. It might not be ideal for everyone or all types of fabric. But for my cotton fabric, I thought it worked wonders! 

I took my fabric I wanted to prewash and folded it to have the raw edges meet together. (I forgot to take a before picture!) I then sewed a quick top-stitch making sure to catch all the layers. I threw the whole piece into the wash, with a few other pieces of fabric and here is what I found when I pulled it out!

There were still some lose threads, which is going to happen no matter what, but they were not wrapped around the fabric squeezing the life out of it. 

So I threw it in the dryer, pressed it a little with the iron, and cut off the strip of frayed fabric with my rotary cutter. I figure I cut all those bad boys off anyway, why not keep them more contained.


I used this fun fabric to make a fabulous baby gift set which can be seen in my other post!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby Gift Set

Baby Gift Set - 2 Burpies, 2 Bibs, and a Diaper Holder

A neighbor contacted me last week about making some baby items for her babysitter who is due any day now. She is having a boy, so I looked through my stash and found these coordinating fabrics that I had bought a few weeks ago with the intention of making more boy items. I put together a little gift set for her and love how these pieces turned out!

Here are some more pics!

I took the pictures on my phone - I need to get a better setup going with my nice camera. I love the color scheme of this gift set. Turquoise is my favorite color to use lately! I love how it looks with green and also with pink! 

Remember to check out my shop and facebook page! With summer break only 2 days away, I will be adding lots of new items!


 Linked up to some fabulous blogs!

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